
IAMAW Local 1781 Membership Services

Dear members and community,

As the president of our local union lodge, I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you. Our union is dedicated to advocating for workers’ rights and helping improve the lives of our members and their families. Whether you’re a long-time member or just considering joining our union, we encourage you to take advantage of these member services. We are here to support and uplift our community, and we hope that you will find our union to be a valuable resource for all your needs.

In solidarity,

Tony Parker
IAMAW Local Lodge 1781


Education Opportunites >>
Schedule a Union Steward Training Class at Your Local Lodge >>
Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship >>
Free College Benefit >>
Winpisinger Education Center >>

Retirement and Financial Security >>
Retirement Resources Checklist >>
National Group Protection >>
IAM National Pension Fund >>
IAM Benefit Trust Fund >>

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund >>
Help Support the IAM Disaster Relief Fund >>

Union Plus >>

Veterans Services >>

Education Opportunities

Schedule a Union Steward Training Class at Your Local Lodge

To find out about scheduling training at your location, Contact Mike “Mac” McGovern, Director of Education. Your Local Lodge will coordinate with Mac and your AGC or Committee Person, to determine who will attend specific training in your area.

Schedule a Training Class

Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship

Each year, our District awards several scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren, or spouses — who are pursuing a college education. The scholarship awards range from $1,000 to $2,000. An independent committee selects the scholarship winners on the merits of the essay submitted by each applicant.

Information for the 2021 Adoph Stutz Memorial Scholarship is available at the link below.

Free College Benefit: Eastern Gateway Community College

With the IAMAW Free College Benefit, you and your family members can earn an associate degree online from a public, accredited community college – with no out-of-pocket costs to you. This can save you thousands of dollars. And the process is simple. The Free College program is made possible through a partnership between Eastern Gateway Community College and the IAMAW.

Classes are online, so you can complete your degree from anywhere. We want working professionals to have the opportunity to fit online education into their busy lives.

Unemployed, furloughed and laid-off union workers and their extended family are all eligible to enroll in Free College.

Winpisinger Education Center

The Winpisinger Center teaches what it is to be a trade unionist. By studying labor history and the role unions play in our society, students learn that unions are more than service organizations. We are part of a larger movement toward economic and social justice with dignity on the job.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on our economy, our employers, and our membership.  For many reasons, including the uncertain nature of when it will be safe for members and staff to travel and gather in groups, the Executive Council has made the decision to close the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center until it can be safely re-opened. 

Special online classes are available for some curriculum, including Leadership Organizing, Lodge Administration, and Steward Training. Please check the W3 Online Portal for more information.

Retirement and Financial Security

Retirement Resources Checklist

Retirement is a very personal process that requires individual planning and strategies that are based on each person’s unique set of financial goals. It’s best to begin planning for retirement as early as possible and to begin the process at least two years before you plan to retire by making a realistic monthly budget. Fidelity and your credit union have financial planning tools available for you to use. You need to contact Social Security, your pension fund and your airline management no later than six months from your planned retirement date to make sure that your payments begin on time. The following contact information can help you get started.

National Group Protection

For more than 40 years, National Group Protection has offered insurance programs for the worksite environment. As a national leader in developing and administering supplemental benefit programs, NGP is able to handle plan design, implementation, administration and service. NGP is capable of offering a variety of supplemental benefit plans in all industries on a national level. With a team of licensed agents, NGP can enroll groups in all fifty states.

IAM National Pension Fund

The IAM National Pension Fund has provided valuable retirement benefits for members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and their families since 1960.

While defined-benefit plans such as the IAM National Pension Fund were prominent in the past, unfortunately only 12.2 percent of private-sector workers last year said they had access to a defined-benefit plan like the IAM National Pension Fund. These benefits fortify a crucial part of the three-legged stool of American retirement consisting of Social Security, employee pensions, and personal savings.

IAM Benefit Trust Fund

The National IAM Benefit Trust Fund takes care of its participants with medical and prescription drug, dental and vision plans, and many more benefits. The IAM Benefit Trust Fund works to ensure that workers have real access to affordable health care plans and the best coverage available. 

IAMAW Disaster Relief

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund helps ease financial challenges faced by IAM members following catastrophes such as the recent storms, as well as flooding and wildfires, and other natural disasters. In most cases, the IAM Disaster Relief Fund can provide payments to affected members faster than other forms of emergency assistance.

To access information and application forms, click the link below and select your state or region from the interactive map.

Union Plus

Special Deals and promotional offers available to union members. Save real money on things like car rentals, hotel stays, and much, much more. 

Veterans Services

The IAMAW provides special benefits for our nation’s women and men in uniform. Veterans IDs, resource guides, and other services are available.